A loved one has passed, what do I do next?

If the passing was expected, for example if this was due to a terminal illness, on most occasions a Doctor will issue a medical certificate advising of the cause of death. This will allow the death to be registered at the nominated Registry Office.

There are some occasions when a Coroner will intervene and more on this is explained below. However, please do not hesitate to ask questions if you are concerned that a Coroner has become involved.

Once a Doctor has issued a medical certificate, he/she will email over the medical certificate to the Registrar’s Office. Once received, the Registrar's Office will contact the Next of Kin as listed on their medical records to register the passing. This is done by appointment and you are required to attend in person. Registrar’s will advise which paperwork is required in readiness for you attending the appointment.

A Green Form will be issued for both cremation and/or burial. This will either be handed over at the time of registration or it will be emailed to your chosen Funeral Director.

Once registration has taken place, a Death Certificate will then be provided to you.

If the Green Form is emailed directly to us, we will give you a call upon receipt of the same and thereafter make an appointment to come in and discuss the funeral arrangements. If the Green Form is handed to you, please call our office to make an appointment.

Please note that if there is the involvement of the Coroner, then a Coroner’s Officer will be in contact with you.

Where does my loved one rest?

If your friend or relative has passed away in a Care Home or a private house, they will be taken to our Funeral Home but only once the Doctor has certified the passing.

If your friend or relative has passed away in Hospital, they will be taken to the Hospital mortuary. We will liaise with Bereavement Services and the Mortuary and once all legal paperwork has been completed, we will ensure that your friend or relative is bought into our care and cared for until the day of their funeral.

Why is the Coroner involved?

The Coroner becomes involved if the person who has passed may have done so under unusual or suspicious circumstances but also if they have not been attended to by a Doctor during their last illness or the Doctor treating the deceased has not seen them after death, within 28 days before death or the cause of death is not known.

When can I see my loved one?

When the relevant paperwork is completed and the funeral arrangements have taken place, we will advise. 

Can I get help with the funeral costs?

It is sometimes possible to get help towards the costs of paying for a funeral. You can make an application to the DWP if the person arranging the funeral is claiming benefits already. This is not something that is guaranteed and is considered on a per case basis. 

Click here for more information:https://www.gov.uk/funeral-payments Funeral Expenses Payment claim form:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/funeral-payment-claim-form